

Approximately two million people in the United States (US) are infected annually by organisms that have developed resistance to one or more of the antimicrobials designed to eradicate them. The highest-ranking category of illness for which antibiotics are most commonly overprescribed is respiratory infections (CDC, 2014a). The purpose of this project was to explore current antimicrobial prescribing trends for respiratory infections at an urgent care facility. The ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation (Stevens, 2004) was utilized to serve as a guide in conducting this research study. Utilizing the detailed guidelines and treatment criteria for respiratory infections developed by the American College of Chest Physicians, a determination regarding the appropriateness of treatment was made. In this study, the rate of overprescribing at the study site was found to be approximately 22.66% as compared to the national average of 50% (CDC, 2013). Calculating the current prescribing trends and overprescribing rates is the first step in acknowledging the issue within this particular setting. Much more progress needs to be made to address methods and strategies for resolution including the adaptation of a modified antimicrobial stewardship applicable to ambulatory/urgent care settings Regardless of how the resolution to this worldwide problem will come about, it will not happen without multi-disciplinary cooperation. Advanced practice nurses are in a unique position to be able to act as leaders and educators regarding this issue.




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