

Studies have shown that people with low health literacy understand health information less well, obtain preventative healthcare such as screenings for cancer less frequently and use expensive resources such as emergency rooms more often. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), with guidance from Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports, developed quality indicators for individual institutions to demonstrate improvement. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA, 2012) constructed online communication education modules for healthcare professionals including health literacy tools developed by the AHRQ. The purpose of this project was to examine the impact of RN communication education on patient satisfaction. A pre-post intervention design was used. Nurses were provided a brief overview and instruction about the HRSA website, use of the online education modules and an explanation of target patient satisfaction scores. The domains studied included five target patient satisfaction questions regarding communication with nurses and communication about medications. Post intervention results (July-December 2015) demonstrate a marked increase in scores when compared to the six months prior to the introduction of the content (January-June 2015). All twenty-two respondents responded agreed or strongly agreed that they would recommend the Effective Communication for Healthcare Professionals 100 course. APRNs have an unprecedented opportunity to support research and education surrounding ethnic differences in communication and aspects of communication that may contribute to patient comprehension, adherence to follow-up care and patient satisfaction.




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