This presentation will demonstrate how an academic librarian and Education faculty member used the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education to create multi-modal text sets with preservice teachers to incorporate aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Specifically we will use the Companion Document to the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education: Instruction for Educators to show how the “Information Creation as a Process” frame applies to teacher preparation and pedagogy practices. Academic librarians can work with K-12 preservice teachers to incorporate implicit teachings of this frame into K-12 social studies lesson plans that require Common-Core based standards and state level curricular standards to teach students how to become part of a healthy democracy. Multimodal text set creation is a guided inquiry strategy that bridges and connects the overarching goals of the ACRL framework and teacher preparation standards to develop students’ abilities to be critical consumers and creators in the information ecosystem. The audience will take away strategies for connecting college students with their local public libraries and samples of interdisciplinary lesson plans and multimodal text sets from the course. Visit our libguide at: