

Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is the development of acute kidney failure after radiographic contrast media administration. CIN is the third leading cause of hospital acquired kidney failure and is associated with increased risk for morbidity and mortality. Currently no treatment exists for CIN and only supportive care is provided with the anticipation renal function will resolve eventually. Cardiac angiogram or catheterization is one of the most commonly performed procedures with an average of 2 million cases annually. Cardiac catheterizations require large amounts of radiographic contrast media placing patients at risk for the development of CIN. Prevention of CIN is key and requires early identification of risk factors, timely precautions and patient education, which is conducted largely by nursing staff. For this quality improvement project, an informal needs assessment was conducted within the cardiac catherization laboratory at Landmark Medical Center which identified nurse’s had limited knowledge of CIN. All staff nurses in the cardiac catheterization laboratory were invited to participate in an education seminar on CIN. A pretest, educational program, posttest design was used to identify change in nurse’ knowledge of CIN. Nine out of eleven nurses (82%) participated in the educational seminar, completed the pretest and posttest. The posttest scores had a 51-percentage point increase and every posttest question improved in comparison to the pretest. Findings from this quality improvement project suggest that nurses’ ability to recognize CIN risk factors and knowledge of preventative strategies increased significantly after participation in an educational program.


