

Electrolyte abnormalities in hospitalized patients may result from a variety of acute and chronic medical conditions. Hospital admissions related to electrolyte imbalances in adult patients may be a direct result of acute illness such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration or complications related to medications or surgical procedures. Patients with deficiencies of electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are at an increased risk for life threatening complications such as seizures, delirium, cardiac dysrhythmias, respiratory muscle weakness and respiratory compromise. Nurses must possess a baseline knowledge of electrolyte disturbances and recognize potential and possible complications related to deficiencies of key electrolytes. The purpose of this research project was to improve nurses’ knowledge regarding the management, treatment, and care of adult patients with electrolyte imbalances. An educational intervention was developed and a pre-posttest design was utilized to evaluate the effect of the intervention. This research project demonstrated that the implementation of an educational intervention increased nurses’ knowledge regarding the management, treatment, and care of adult patients with electrolyte abnormalities. The results of this research project validated the need for additional education for nurses which focuses on the care of adult patients with electrolyte deficiencies.




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