

Heart failure (HF) is becoming an epidemic as people are living longer and surviving cardiovascular events. According to the 2015 to 2018 data the American Heart Association estimates 6 million American adults aged twenty or older are living with HF (AHA, 2021). Heart failure is the nation's leading 30-day readmission diagnosis costing the nation an estimated $30.7 billion according to the Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. Heart failure is a chronic progressive disease that if not managed correctly will lead to increased morbidity and decreased quality of life. A review of the literature on transition of care frameworks for HF patients validated the most effective interventions and best practices to reduce hospitalization in patients with heart failure. Nurses need to possess knowledge of heart failure care best practices to optimize patient outcomes. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to determine if implementation of a Heart Failure Transition of Care education program increased nurses’ knowledge of heart failure and heart failure transition of care best practices. The results of the educational program demonstrated improvement in nurses' knowledge in all three categories; Heart failure facts and pathophysiology, best practice nursing interventions, and Heart failure assessment and goal directed medical therapy.




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