

This study addressed the nature of moral perceptions in dyadic interaction. Moral behavior has typically been studied as an individual difference; however, theory supports that moral perception often occurs in a dyad or two-person group. Therefore, the current research addresses moral responses using the Social Relations Model (SRM) to analyze perceived moral behavior between members of a dyad. The SRM estimates moral behavior expressed (actor), moral behavior elicited (partner) and moral behavior in unique two-person dyadic arrangements (relationship). This study used a research design called the idiographic key person design. Participants nominated and assessed moral behavior with 3 friends and 3 coworkers. Specifically, key persons assessed their moral behavior with nominees, nominees’ moral behavior when interacting with them, and moral behavior in nominees’ interactions with one another. Nominees did not participate. Results indicated that people hold an egocentric bias and believe they are more moral than others, and that others are more moral when interacting with them. Participants also believe that moral behavior is reciprocal in dyadic interaction. By delving into these dynamics, we gain a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between individuals' moral perceptions and their social interactions, contributing to the broader discourse on moral psychology.




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