

Sexually transmitted infections (STI) rates in the United States have been on the rise. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1 in 5 people have contracted an STI in their lifetime. Minority young adults and adolescents are at the highest risk for contracting STIs, becoming the target focus group of this quality improvement program (QIP). Various barriers have been identified that have been attributed to this crisis. Through this QIP, STI knowledge and encouragement of STI testing and early treatment among young adults and adolescents at the primary care level could help overcome these barriers and become a pillar towards better health outcomes. Guided by Pender'™s Health Promotion Model, the nurse educator will use a technological approach to educate the patients prior to their visit with their PCP. Baseline knowledge would be measured with pre and posttest. The goal of this project would be to explore if this program increases the rate of STI testing and early treatment and encourages a positive change in behavior.




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