Despite ample research with optimistic outcomes on the topic, telemetry alarm fatigue continues to be a complex safety issue within our health care system. The concern of not only nurse safety and satisfaction, but the patient care and positive outcomes remains a problem. The purpose of this proposal is to decrease perceived telemetry alarm fatigue amongst nurses on an inpatient telemetry unit in a small community hospital. This will be accomplished by utilizing an identified best practice, through defaulting a nonactionable telemetry alarm to off. The setting is in on a 21 bed telemetry unit at a small community hospital in the northeast. The proposal processes include educational flyers and emails distributed amongst staff that meet the criteria for the study. An eight question pre- and post-survey will be utilized with the participants. Additional analysis using the totals and percentages from the surveys will measure effectiveness of defaulting single premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) to off on the telemetry monitoring system. The expected outcome for this proposal is a notable decrease in telemetry alarm fatigue for unnecessary alarms amidst the participating nurses. A Clinical Practice Update will be disseminated to the leadership of the units with telemetry and other leadership of the hospital system affiliates. The practice update will provide information and educate unit managers on the impact telemetry alarm fatigue on their nursing staff (and patients) and the positive outcome that defaulting single PVC alarms to off has alleviating this burden.