

Background: Unhoused individuals who struggle with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) and/or substance use disorder (SUD) often have inadequate End of Life (EOL) care compared with those who have stable housing. Purpose/Specific Aims: This Program Development Project aims to develop a comprehensive strategy to provide compassionate end-of-life care and medical respite services for vulnerable populations, including the unhoused, mentally ill, incarcerated, and medically fragile individuals. Methods: The plan will include assessment of the infrastructure needed to ensure that the unhoused have equitable access to care, comparable to that of individuals with stable housing. This will involve budget projections for purchasing a building capable of housing 12 individuals and obtaining the necessary funding for utilities, staff, medical supplies, furnishings, and equipment needed to run the program effectively. Results: The following goals are proposed: a 25% referral rate to the program within the first 3 months, a 50% referral rate within the first 6 months, and a 75% referral rate within the first 12 months. Patients receiving services will have a hospitalization rate less than 5%, and patients who are receiving services will report 80% improved health outcomes. Conclusion: According to the literature, unhoused individuals who receive EOL care services have improved health outcomes, highlighting the need for a dedicated infrastructure to provide end-of-life care to this population. Such infrastructure would offer housing for unhoused individuals during their end-of-life phase.




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