

Cardiac arrest is a common event in hospitals and integrating family presence during highly stressful situations such as resuscitation and invasive procedures can be problematic for members of the interprofessional team. The purpose of this quality improvement project is to explore nurses' confidence in supporting family presence during resuscitation. A sample of 27 out of 50 registered nurses voluntarily participated in the survey. Utilizing a modified NCSBN confidence survey, confidence levels were lower when asked about interventions, communication, and policy prior to any education recommendations about family presence during resuscitation. This study provides insight into why nurses may or may not utilize the practice of family presence during resuscitation (FPDR). Improvement was achieved in assessment, intervention, and evaluation of interventions related to FPDR after education was received. Categories including communication, performing interventions, family presence, policy, and existing education were explored. The highest improvement in confidence was found with performing medication administration in the presence of family at 23%-after receiving education. Understanding the nurses’ level of confidence during a high-stress resuscitation and providing education increases their confidence during FPDR. The results of this quality improvement project are a strong indicator of future success and confidence in the use of FPDR. Understanding what nurses know and think about a practice helps determine how to increase utilization in healthcare facilities. This project may help guide healthcare organizations when implementing and educating about FPDR.




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