

Sedation is a state of depression in the level of consciousness that is medically induced allowing for decreased consciousness, reduction in sensation, and relaxation. Two methods of sedation administered in the acute care setting of an endoscopy unit are moderate sedation and monitored anesthesia care (MAC). When it comes to recovery from sedation and eligibility to reach discharge criteria whether one method of sedation is superior to the other or if both are comparable is a topic of more research. A retrospective chart review of a hospital�â�€�™s endoscopy unit was conducted to determine if one method of sedation over the other leads to a prompter recovery and discharge time. This retrospective chart review also examined age, gender, and type of endoscopic procedure and if any of those variables had a relationship to discharge time. Results from this project concluded that in nearly all categories, discharge time was slightly sooner for moderate sedation cases compared to MAC cases. Endoscopy departments should in turn consider the importance of recovery from sedation and minimizing discharge time and its effect on the health care system and providing quality patient care. Implications for advanced nursing practice include research and education on sedation induction and recovery process in the endoscopy suite to support patient quality care, safety, cost effectiveness, and department efficiency.




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