

Perioperative hypothermia is a common occurrence in the operating room setting and can lead to several adverse events. Some potential complications include discomfort, shivering, platelet dysfunction, coagulopathy, increased vasoconstriction, higher risk of wound infection, and an increased risk of postoperative cardiac events. Anesthesia providers play a pivotal role in the management of patient temperature in the perioperative period and there are several interventions that have been implemented to combat this problem. Not all patients respond to hypothermia in the same manner and based on a patient'™s personal health history, illnesses, and co-morbidities, hypothermia may be tolerated better by some and not as well by others. To evaluate operative risk, the American Society of Anesthesiologist has formulated an ASA class scoring system. This scoring system assesses risk by combining overall health status and comorbidities. It is unlikely that patients will have the same physiologic response to hypothermia across the various ASA classes. This systematic review was conducted to evaluate the effect of perioperative hypothermia on anesthetic recovery times as it relates to healthy ASA class I and II patients. Identifying the impact of hypothermia on young adults will help determine how much of an impact hypothermia has on their anesthesia recovery, and thus can help guide perioperative care for this population.




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