The National Council for Accreditation in Teacher Education (NCATE) requires advanced programs in schools of education to develop and implement high quality unit assessment systems reflecting their conceptual framework and incorporating candidate proficiencies outlined in professional, state, and institutional standards. This is difficult for advanced level programs that are structured differently, award many types of degrees, and prepare candidates for various teaching and non-teaching roles. Faculty buy-in to unit-level assessment is challenging, as well, and the ways advanced programs choose to implement a unit assessment system are not always psychometrically sound. This article describes the process of revising a units advanced programs assessment system in a way that yields meaningful unit level data, allows for the generation of aggregated data inclusive of all programs, and ultimately provides noteworthy conclusions about the caliber of the unit's graduates. Throughout this article, the authors explore contextual information surrounding unit level assessment at the advanced level. The process and decisions made by this school of education will be useful to other institutions in similar circumstances.