Project-based learning (PBL) allows students to identify and find solutions to real-world
problems using inquiry-based learning. While increasingly used in the K-12 classroom, PBL has not had widespread adoption in higher education. With the exception of Correll and Bornstein (2018), very little has been written about using PBL to redesign college and university Curriculum Resource Centers. However, because PBL is primarily a K-12 teaching pedagogy, it is the perfect fit to give pre-service teachers the active learning skills they will need for their future K-12 classrooms. The skills developed through project-based learning teach pre-service teachers to become independent and resourceful through learning how to develop their professional voices through inquiry. The authors of this article used PBL in conjunction with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers (CMCs) and the three themes for PBL success in higher education identified by Lee et al. (2014) to work with a small class of upper-level elementary education pre-service teachers to redesign an academic library Curriculum Resource Center.