      recid = {2264},
      author = {Stone, Wilfred E.},
      title = {Crosstown Cranston Car Crew, Rhode Island},
      journal = {Wilfred E. Stone photographs},
      address = {ca. 1910},
      number = {DA},
      abstract = {This photograph shows the crew of a crosstown trolley in  Cranston in about 1910. The back of the photograph is  captioned by Wilfred E. Stone, "Crosstown car crew about  1910. Cannot give names of the Crew." Stone wrote an  article about the Crosstown Trolley which describes the  difficulties with the trolley line which connected the east  and west ends of Cranston, from Pawtuxet to Knightsville.  See: "Echoes of Cranston: I Drove The First Crosstown Bus."  Cranston Herald, 1952 Dec. 30.},
      url = {http://digitalcollections.ric.edu/record/2264},