B.O.G honors State Higher Ed. Faculty -- 7 R.I. College proposals to strengthen undergrad education funded $203,000 through Governor's Incentive Fund -- R.I College student among top 10 women chess players in U.S -- Researchers identifies pressures facing blacks in predominately white colleges; offers solutions -- Alumnus is first TRIO Achiever Award winner here -- 1st Ethnic Research Award given -- Scholarly series to asses influence of Wordsworth and Age of Romanticism -- To hold open house for 'National Chemistry Day' -- Rabbi to use own text for course on Jewish philosophies -- Finely receives counseling and ed psych award for leadership -- Yale prof to lecture here on Wordsworth, Walcott today -- R.I. Blood Center needs volunteers -- Russian, Chinese to be offered in spring -- It pays to graduate; college grad earns $8,000 more a year -- R.I. College debaters take 2nd place in Fordham tourney -- New musical 'Company of Clowns,' being staged here Nov. 19-21 -- Additions announced to Performing Arts Series Arts Series here -- Music Career Day here Oct. 19 -- Photos by R. Jackson and K.C. Perry featured Nov. 5-25 -- Backstage at R.I College Theater -- Returns from two-month photo tour of Nicaragua, Guatemala -- Modern Jazz Quartet's 35th anniversary tour bring them R.I. College Nov. 17 -- To perform piano music from People's Republic of China -- Calendar of Events