

This project studies the resources currently available to aging New Englanders in 2019. The four studied resources—case management, transportation, meals, and homemaking services—are critical for older adults aiming to remain in their homes as they age, a practice known as “aging in place.” Evaluation of these resources is conducted via a review of existing literature, state agency websites, and interviews of personnel involved with the provision of such services. Qualitative data collected from interviews is compared with existing qualitative data released by the Administration for Community Living (2016). This research also evaluates Rhode Island’s strengths and weaknesses in providing these key resources on a municipality-by-municipality basis. One consistent weakness found across both Rhode Island and the entire region is transportation—a lacking, yet crucial resource for older adults aging in place. Communities across the state are encouraged to expand existing transportation offerings and advertise them accordingly. Other prominent successes and gaps are discussed, with recommendations made for each. A study of logic models used by state agencies for the provision of services for older adults was intended; however, no agency reported the use of such a model. Therefore, the researcher devises an original logic model for use in Rhode Island’s preparation in providing for the state’s growing elderly population.




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