      recid = {796},
      author = {Baxter, David},
      title = {Journey from Cova to Paúl},
      journal = {David Baxter papers: Cape Verde photographs},
      address = {1988},
      number = {DA},
      note = {Notes by Professor David Baxter
Additional photo:  http://www.panoramio.com/photo/1169977},
      abstract = {For the adventurous visitor, one can descend from Cova via  the Ribeira de Paúl to Paúl. This is a breathtaking journey  requiring about 3-4 hours, depending upon how well one's  calf muscles hold out, and how many mini-stops for "grogue"  one makes. The locals are very hospitable! These slides are  only a glimpse of the spectacular and sometimes mystical  beauty encountered by the visitor descending the Ribeira de  Paúl on foot. Heavy mists sometimes play havoc with  photography, but the journey is well worth the risk!},
      url = {http://digitalcollections.ric.edu/record/796},