422 to Graduate in mid-year ceremony -- Marks wins history prize -- RIC's McMahon named first commissioner of higher ed. in R.I. -- Named to 'who's who' -- Deadline for grants, sponsored projects announced -- McMahon: Commissioner of higher ed. -- What's news by mail -- A look at China's Judicial system -- National student exchange NSE To participate in student exchange -- Named to nat'l post -- Honorary degree policy -- 'Hemingway' colloquium topic -- Some 250,000 teenagers will try suicide -- Blood drive January 27 -- To present "Shadow Box" -- Sexual Harassment policy -- Distance learning offered -- English as second language -- Sex discrimination fund set -- Variety of courses offered -- The Winter Semester at RIC -- Art, theatre, music planned through May -- 'A Kurt Weill Cabaret' comes to RIC, Jan. 25 -- She'll take Manhattan-- Townson state chorale in free concert at RIC -- Calendar of Events --